DHS Baseball Gifted Backpacks in Memory of Former Player

Mr. Bobby Jackson was a graduate of Demopolis High School, a former member of the Tigers baseball team, an avid supporter of Demopolis baseball, a life-long fan of the game, and a beloved member of the Demopolis community. We mourned as a community when Mr. “Bobby Jack” was traded to the angels on July 7th of last year. Today, his precious wife, Mrs. Ann, herself a graduate of Demopolis and a retiree of Demopolis City Schools, presented the current DHS Tigers Baseball team members with a special gift. In memory of Mr. Bobby, each player was presented with a baseball backpack with their name embroidered on it. Mrs. Ann spoke of her husband’s love of the game, and Coach James Moody and Art Evans each spoke a few words in remembrance of Mr. Bobby regarding how special he was to Demopolis baseball. A banner now hangs on the outfield fence beside the left field foul pole with Mr. Bobby’s name on it.

In attendance to commemorate this event were Mr. Bobby’s sisters, Judy Jackson Ross and Peggy Jackson Holcombe. Additional attendees were Tony Willis, DCS Superintendent, Terina Gantt, DHS Principal, Coach Mike Randall, Coach Trey Smith, Coach Kole Thrasher, Lydia Randall, Kathy Moody, Kaye Evans, Traci Pearson, and Judge Vince Deas.